


Content Shock – YEP ITS REAL

A real time online content changes simulator…. This counter based on data (sources listed below) is simulating what is happening during this current minute.


Presented by Coupofy


All that content and constant bombardment with messages presents a huge issue for marketers who need to get their message heard through the storm. There’s even a term for it – Content Shock – coined by Mark Schaefer who believes that:

This upward trend of content consumption is not sustainable because every human has a physiological, inviolable limit to the amount of content they can consume. I believe as marketers, we have been lulled into a false sense of security thinking that this consumption trend will continue to rise without end. That is simply not possible.

Recent research by Moz and Buzzsumo shows that the majority of content marketing has limited impact with 75% of blog posts they analysed getting fewer than 10 social shares and zero links from other domains. It also presents an issue for marketers who are researching best practice in different areas, as often there are so many different messages it is hard to know where to begin. 

The sheer volume of content also presents an issue for marketers who are researching best practice and latest developments for different digital marketing channels since there is so much advice it is difficult to know which to believe or know the original source of insights. 

Sources – What happens in one minute online?

Here are the resources we used to compile the infographic – the best sources are direct from the platforms like Facebook, Google and Twitter.